Monday, February 23, 2015


We've found a (small) number of errors that can be corrected in the original printing.  These were detected in a number of different ways.  Checking the spelling of all the words found some problems.  Looking for two words in a row that are the same found one.

Some problems were detected when we had to "undo" the hyphenation in the original text.  The original text is right-justified.  To fill out lines neatly, it is sometimes necessary to hyphenate a word at the end of the line and continue it on the next line.  With a different line length, or font size, or font, the spacing may be at least subtly different, and the hyphenation will be unnecessary.  In general, I don't like hyphenation.  But the problem arises that if a line ends with a word with a final hyphen, it is not computable if the hyphen should or should not be deleted when the lines are re-done.  For example, if we use the word "hand-forged" and a line break is needed after the "hand" and before the "forged", we would not remove the hyphen when the text is OCR'ed and the (artificial) line breaks of the previous printing are removed.  But a word like "found-dation" would have the hyphen removed. (And then we see that the "d" was incorrectly doubled).

Many of the errors were only found when I tried to recognize the individual characters.  The recognition of individual characters revealed the use of ligatures (fi, ff, fl, ffi, ffl) in the typesetting of the printed book.

  • On Page 4 (the bottom line), is missing a closing period.
  • On Page 7 (11 lines from the top), is missing a closing period.
  • On page 15, "Sydny, N.S." should apparently be "Sydney, N.S.". This is in reference to Melvin Chappell, who is identified on page 35 as being from "Sydney". (Sydney is at the North end of Cape Breton Island).
  • On page 14, (17 lines down) "characteru" should be "characters".
  • On Page 17 (2nd line from the bottom), we have "base of the the triangle". Remove the duplicate "the".
  • On Page 25 (12th line from the bottom), we have "his era on thd island". "thd" should be "the".
  • On Page 35, (12 lines down), we have "Has the stone triangle any signifigance ..." where the word "signifigance" should be "significance".
  • On Page 36, (5 lines down), we have "found-dation" which should be the word "foundation".
  • On Page 15, there is a line-break hyphenation between "sedan-" and "chair". Not clear if this is "sedanchair" or "sedan-chair". Modern usage is "sedan chair", so we go with "sedan-chair".
  • On Page 34, a similar situation with "Watch-" and "Candles". Is this "WatchCandles" or "Watch-Candles"? "WatchCandles", with an upper case character in the middle of a word seems highly unlikely, so we go with "Watch-Candles". ("Watch-Candles" is correct, when we look at the actual text of Sylva Sylvarum).
  • On Page 17 (9 lines down), in the phrase "the pounding of the", the "f" is the wrong font. Compare with "of" two lines down.
  • On Page 13, last line, the "fi" in "artific-" should be a ligature, not two separate characters. Compare with "fi" as a ligature in "bored five inch holes" 14 lines above, and "square and filled" 2 lines above that.
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